Sunday, March 2, 2014

Practiciing What We Preach...

Over my last blogs I have talked about positive aspects especially in negative situations, and doing the right thing in wrong situations. That is why I chose this picture today. While it is not right for me to let my little dog hang his head out the window while I's freeing to him. It is one of the little things in life that make his day. Give him this moment for 20 minutes a day and he is CONTENT.

I started thinking about my last blog JUST BE. I had not taken any time to experience that for myself. That was my day yesterday. Nothing forced and nothing planned. I just let things unfold and relaxed. It was as good for my insides as this ride is for Cosmo. After a well deserved rain storm here in the valley and sleeping past 8a.m. I woke up with a good feeling and a positive perspective.

Taking this little guy out for walks first thing in the morning is an excellent way for me to start my day. I get up, get moving, and get a chance to see things before the hustle and bustle of the day begins in the world. We have some routine to our mornings which I believe to be the TONE SETTER of the day. When I start the day off doing something positive for me, the rest just seems to be easier to deal with. That natural smile just appears and I feel it clear down to my toes.

Doing things that make me feel happy on a daily basis is what keeps my attitude in check. It keeps me going in the right direction for my health. Writing this blog on a consistent basis is a big joy right now. I love the way I get to connect with others. Getting out every morning with the dog and at the end of each day for our walks, contributes to my daily happiness. Little accomplishments that I can see and feel the results from are a big part of why I continue each day. I am responsible for MY HAPPINESS each day!  When I take time and focus on me, I am able to help others that compliment my life. It is then that I can contribute MY PART to each day. Even if MY PART is just to smile at the cashier at the checkout who was having a bad day, or let the person into a long line of traffic ahead of me that I myself had been sitting in for 10 minutes. It is MY PART, my contribution. My point is, if I don't feel right inside myself, I can't be that for anyone else.

What is YOUR part today? What do you like to do for YOURSELF? What makes YOU feel good? I wish everyone an AMAZING day and would love to have feedback about what you do to make YOURSELF HAPPY.

1 comment:

  1. Hot showers make me feel good on my chronically sore body! Random acts of kindness....something as small as letting someone pull out of a parking lot in front of me into a long line of traffic... feels good to my chronically sore soul.
