Friday, March 28, 2014

Today's Prescription...

Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow has no guarantees at this point. That is what entered my crazy little mind this morning. Yesterday was not one of my best day's health wise and I made the best of it.I take my medications, I drink my smoothie, and I smile. Today, I woke up with a vengeance against the condition that tries to overtake me. I said NOPE, NOT HAPPENING!!! Today, that is not good enough for this woman!!!

The sun is shining, there is a Dutch Bro's to be had, and my little dog deserves a morning at the park!  That is my mind set. There was gas in the car, $3.00 in my pocket, and the weather is just right. I had no excuses. It made me think about our mindsets. A self defeating mindset can wreck us before we have the chance to "check" ourselves. I wasn't going to let that be me today. It's not just the pills I have to take, it's my actions that make the difference. Out to the car, coffee in hand, I took the little dog to the park. Normally we only walk the small loop and today that wasn't good enough for me. I approached it with no expectation set on time, or pace. I just DID IT! We made the full loop and it made me feel good from the inside out. I proved to myself that I could do it and the fact that the action was taken made my body feel good.

I have always heard that actions speak louder than words and how true that is. I have a choice today, I can sit and wait for the medication to work, or I can do my part and take action to help it make progress. Since before I could remember there was a food pyramid on the package of bread sacks. It showed us what a balanced diet looked like. There was no magic pill, or magic exercise to cure the chubby was the action. It was following the basics and doing it that made progress happen. I tested the theory today after laying around and accepting my disease yesterday, today I challenged it. So far....I WON!  

Try a NEW prescription today...see what the options are and just DO IT!!!

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