Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ahhh, Mortality...

It happens to all of us nice people. That day you wake up and look in the mirror and see a new wrinkle, or a gray hair revealed right before your eyes. I find myself asking..."when did that thing get here"? It's crazy. It's just like in my thirties when I realized I needed glasses. I was on a trip out of town and realized I was squinting to try and read street signs before I missed a vital turn!  Once again, I had to ask..."when did this happen"? It's a humbling feeling and we all go through it.

There are tricks we learn to do to accommodate the changes we encounter. We dye our hair, wax, pluck, botox, liposuction, and lasik eye surgery. We can do it all to try and EASE the pain of the inevitable. It isn't necessary but we do it. Little things that allow us to try and slow down the process and maintain that little amount of YOUTH to the outer world. It's not like it will take away a birthday, or erase a few years of your life. At the end of the day, we are still the same age on our driver's license. 

I believe in growing old gracefully but I won't let it move in and take over either. Is there anything wrong with that? My opinion is NO. We do things on a daily basis to allow us to feel better. It may not be what another person considers to be the "right thing to do", but it works for us. I am responsible for my own happiness today. One of my favorite sayings is "...if it feels good, makes you happy, and doesn't hurt someone you love...DO IT!" 


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