Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good enough...Fair enough...Well enough...

How many times have you heard, "it's best to leave well enough alone"? How long can you do that? What does well enough mean?

It seems there are so many underlying circumstances to things what our hearts truly desire. I know what kind of car I want. Can I afford it today, no. I borrow my daughter's car currently because mine blew up on the north side of the 101 one day. Is that well enough? ABSOLUTELY!!! Does it satisfy my spirit? NO. So, I ask myself what I need to do for it to be that way, and I set up my foundation which involves; what I am willing to do to have it, realization on what is possible and realistic, guides and boundaries to keep me focused and on track, and  being sure that I am ready for it. Let's face it...if I am not ready for something, I will "half ass" it!!! I'm no SAINT!

Getting what we think we want is one thing. Getting what we KNOW we want is an entirely different story. I work harder for things that I have such a strong desire for.  The way I go about it does not always look pretty, but it's all PASSION. When there is something I want so badly that I don't WANT to be without...I hold on the the bitter end and I don't care what anyone thinks. In some situations it has worked back in the day when you went Black Friday shopping and grabbed at the item you had to have. You don't let go!!!

In life, there are just some things we have to let go of. There are things we shouldn't let go of. It can be a little confusing. The point is, I have to decide by weighing the odds between; happiness and love, taking care of myself or working too many hours to get what I think I want. I have to check myself when I am upset. Sometimes I want something that I can't have. I have to question if what it is today, is exactly what I want for myself...just as it is?

 Am I willing to make the adjustments needed to obtain it?
 Can I live the rest of my life with those adjustments?
 This is when I can make a choice, and go with the flow. 

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