Today's thoughts have inspired me to write. Many "bumper sticker" quotes have run through my mind. " Use the good china today, you don't know if you will get the chance to use it tomorrow", " Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today" get the idea. We have all heard a ton of them throughout our lives for certain.
It seems we are guilty at waiting for something to change or be prosperous before we take action. I have found myself caught in the rut lately. I think, ' Oh, I will hold off on that until I get my own place', ' I don't want to do this or that until my health gets better'. It's almost like I forget there is a way to enjoy and do these things today and still work toward my accomplishments BEFORE I get to the FINISH LINE. Life is not a race and we are never guaranteed more than this moment right here. If we hold off and don't enjoy things, we may never get the chance.
I say, take a little risk and have faith today. Use Grandma's old china today and not wait for the "special event" before you bring it out. Don't be afraid that you may chip a plate or make a mistake. That is how we learn and HOW do we learn if we do not try???
I know this cannot work for EVERY situation in life, but we all have common sense and know how to respect others. As long as what we try doesn't hurt ourselves or anyone else....I say "WHY NOT"???
It has been awhile since I have written and I thought, 'Oh, I will start again once I get a working computer' (when there is one I can use just fine, just wasn't mine)...or 'Once I get my own place and my health is more stable...then I will write again." Today, I decided I had heard myself say that ENOUGH! I want to do and enjoy this moment, this day, this season and I deserve to! So Do You!!! I had the inspiration and stopped long enough to share today.
My suggestion: anyone who can relate to this to just try it. It made me feel better. Positive thoughts come with positive actions!