Monday, May 5, 2014

Avoid the Avoidable Irritants...

  It seems are bodies are like cars. You have to keep up on your fluids, fuel, and do the necessary maintenance in order to get the most miles out of it. Every time you take your car out of the garage, you expose it to factors you have no control over. Weather, other cars, and road conditions are all outside factors that can affect the outcome of your trip.

     One of the first things I think of when I get "crabby" is, Where did this come from? One of the biggest offenders for me is HUNGER! Plain and simple. If I'm thirsty, hungry, or tired, my mood is directly the first thing affected. I suppose that is why I was so attracted to this poster. While I cannot control who crosses my path and what they choose to present to me or determine the weather, I do have factors I can control. If I keep my nutrition levels up and exercise what I can then my body feels better and I operate better physically and mentally. I have to focus on what I can do and not what I can't.

    Is there ONE thing you can change today to make it better and easier? Focus on what you can control in your life and not what you can't today. One minor adjustment at a time can make a big difference once you recognize it and follow through. Be your own driver today....and feel the BENEFITS!


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