Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Some Days It Is Just A Little Something!

Every Tuesday Cosmo and I treat ourselves to a morning drive to the local Dutch Bros to get me an Iced Americano and him a yummy biscuit bone with whip cream on it. The people there are always super friendly with him and know exactly what he is waiting for. You can almost see him smile when he sees her! It is one of those little indulgences that you do for yourself and for $2.50, double stamps on your patron's card, and a happy puppy. I think we get our money's worth.

This gets me thinking about the small things that happen to us daily that are easy to overlook. Ever have that day where you sit and think, "Gosh, nothing good happened today"? Well, knock it off!!!  It's not true. Something good happens to us every day. Even if it is the tiniest thing, there is always something. There are plenty of things I could have been discouraged about today; my lungs not being normal, being low on money, my Lupus acting up from the night before through the morning, but NO! I can't afford to focus on the "don't have's". I have to focus on the "do have's" to make it through those less than eventful days. We all have it in us. We just really have to take the time to reflect and see it for ourselves. Even if the only good thing you can think of is that someone let you into a long line of traffic. Be grateful and remember to pay it forward. Sometimes our daily rewards come from doing something nice for someone else making their day that special day. The key I have found to this is doing it without recognition. So, when you can...contribute money to the person in line behind you at the coffee drive up, or take someone's shopping cart up to the front for them. These little things won't only make their day, it truly makes yours. Think Positive Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. This truly made me smile! Hope you give your blog address to your barrista ... I'll bet she'll be a follower!
