Friday, February 21, 2014

Just Breathe...

Breathings is the process of transporting oxygen in and out of your lungs. Second nature right? Then why do we find that there are times we hold our breath when we struggle with people, places, or things? This has become one of my many mantras out of my bag of tricks. I have to pause and remind myself "in with the good air, out with the bad". We cannot control what happens outside of ourselves. We know what we need, what our responsibility is  to obtain it, and why in the world won't life just COOPERATE?!?!?!

A friend of mine once told me to make a plan, just don't plan the result. I forget that sometimes with my creative mind, I can take an idea and run it all the way into next year. Friends, this is sure to bring some form of frustration or disappointment. NO BUENO!! It has become as second nature as breathing has to me. It is so automatic for me to get an idea, make a plan, and see exactly how I want it to work out, how long it should take, and what is going to come from it. A pretty little picture in the wonderful fairy tale of Shari's Wonderland (my mind).

I know this about myself, I see it often, so why am I surprised and frustrated when it isn't falling into place as it should?  It's because of expectation, perception, and my ego. I can admit, sometimes I think I know it all. I can be the hero when I do and the victim if I don't. It's a gross reality. However, there is good news!!!

Acceptance. When I feel that frustration, I have to first remind myself to breathe. After a couple hits of good clean oxygen, I am then able to focus. I look at the situation from a different perspective, put the shoe on the other foot so to speak. Then I accept it for what it is. Its reality folks, there is no other way around it. The only thing that has to change is me. Within me, I hold the key to my daily happiness. We all do. When we get caught up in ourselves and wanting things to work for us it seems is when we chase it further away. All we can do it accentuate the positive, accept the order, and smile. It's your day, don't let anyone or any situation take your power. Smile and work around your obstacles today. Happy Friday!