Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just because it sucks doesn't mean it's bad...

  When I saw this one floating out in internet land I couldn't help but giggle. It's totally true! Half the time I think woe is sucks! BAMM!! I can take that small step back and think...Nah, I'm just fine! Its true and I know it is. When I am frustrated or unhappy it is usually because I find some person, place, or thing unacceptable to me and I'm afraid. That's all it is.

We all know perfect is an observation, not a determined state. It is how we perceive a certain situation. I can change my perspective on something and make it better. It just works that way for me.

Today, I started my "BAD-ASS PILLS". That is what I nick named them after reading the fact/information sheet on it. You hear the warnings from the doctor when he gives them to you and at the same time find out what the benefits will be. Then at the pharmacy, they fill you in on a little more detail. After I was home and settled I got the opportunity to read both sides of the fact sheet. I usually never do, but this one had my attention just from the oral presentation from the other two professionals. WOW! Is all I could think. After taking a second to decide whether or not I wanted to take something that says "if pills come in contact with flesh, wash immediately with soap and water". I decided it was going to be o.k. These warnings are out there for a reason, does NOT mean all will happen. I suffer from a disease that requires this type of treatment at this stage in the game and if they say it will help then I have nothing to be afraid of. If they make me sick, I will watch Netflix and take a "couch day". If they make my hair fall out, I will get some smokin' hot wigs! I will deal with everything as it comes, ONE DAY AT A TIME! I will find a way to accept the good and the bad. I don't have to take this medicine...I GET to.

I am a firm believer in happiness and positivity as a form of NATURAL HEALING. It can't hurt right? So, why not?!?!?! And today instead of asking WHY ME? I say with a smile, WHY NOT ME! I got this.


  1. You are simply amazing.....have you ever considered being a motivational speaker? Seriously!

  2. I never thought of that Mary...its not like I am shy or that part wouldn't be a problem. Huh....maybe I should!

  3. I agree with Mary. I came to your blog through your mother who was one of my high school classmates.
    You write well, and positive thinking is certainly beneficial in any circumstance.

    1. Thank you Gayle! I spoke to a friend of mine who actually does motivational speaking to groups in our area. When he gets back to town he agreed to meet with me and see what I have. I'm so glad my Mom shared it and that it reached you. Thank you again.
