Saturday, May 23, 2015

Plot Twist...

I have always heard that you can make a plan, just don't plan the result! Does anyone else know what that means?  To each of us I am sure it can mean completely different things. All I know is to share what my experience is.
I heard someone say that they "wished they could go back to a certain time period in their life, that they would do things differently". The reality is, you CAN'T! I look back on things in my life and gage it against my current situation and I think..."Oh, HELL NO"!!!  When I was a little girl, I had seen my future a lot differently than it is today. I sure didn't see myself with a disability, I was SUPERHUMAN then! Yet, even against that factor, I would never relive the past even if a magic genie offered it to me. I like my life today, just because it's not perfect or what I's MINE! I wish everyone I know felt the same. We are such treasures to those who love us as much as those who we love are to us. Depression is very real and it seems to be in the forefront lately. You realize it most when it starts affecting the people you love. In one aspect, there is nothing we can do, in hindsight there is A LOT we can do.
My point is...we are all facing our own personal battles today. Not one of us is any better or worse off than the next one. The difference is CHOICE. I know for myself, I can choose whether I want to take the high road or not. I choose whether or not I want to overcome, or give up. Either way, they are real feelings. I have been blessed with a positive outlook on life, and a FABULOUS support team. I went through a serious bout with negativity and there were people who were there to listen to my rage and anger. There were perfect strangers that would tell a joke, or be kind to me out of the blue and it was just enough to distract me from the pain I was "growing" through. No, I'm not that bad of a speller...I meant "grow". I believe it is through these trials and struggles that we grow. Once we fight through it and get to the other side, we become ONE HELL OF A HUMAN BEING!!!
Don't give up on people you love, even if they are total jerks. Open your eyes when you are out and about today and offer a smile to someone who looks unhappy. We can't change what choices people make, but we can change situations in the lives of others around us, ONE PERSON AT A TIME!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


POSITIVELY R- REST, RELAXATION, AND REWARD. I am a firm believer in the fact that if you do not take care of yourself, it makes life harder and out of balance. I have experienced life out of balance more times than once, and  I am happy to say that I learned how it works. I certainly don't have it mastered, but that is half of the fun right???

Rest is important in order for us to recharge. It keeps us balanced and healthy, and provides us the strength to help others. Let's face it, what I cannot do alone, We can do together!!!

Relaxation is very similar but as I rest nightly, I am not always relaxed due to the "happenings" called LIFE!

Reward is not always a tangible thing. It is also a feeling. I have been the RICHEST woman in life when it comes to being loved unconditionally. For this I am eternally grateful. I have the reward of seeing the woman my daughter has become. She is my biggest accomplishment in life, and I have to say she is absolutely amazing!!! I am lucky to call her mine. As life changes and she grows into the lovely flower she is, I find myself sharing her with her career, husband, and design for her life. I am humbled with admiration for her. Once you know you are lucky enough to have someone like that in your life, you FEEL the reward.

A daily conscious balance of these three R's is another piece of the foundation that keeps me the positive woman I am. I get overjoyed and cannot wait to share how this works for me with those of you who follow me. If I make a difference in one person's life, I feel accomplished! Thank you all.


Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today's Q is for Quality and Quantity.
I used to think one was better than the other. As an old saying goes, "It's better to have quality than quantity". I find it depends on what you are referring to. When you think about things you can purchase, would you rather have MORE or DURABILITY? I have always been a person of few things and never had a lot to speak of. It has been my experience in life as a consumer that "you get what you pay for". I've always been a thrifty and creative soul, so I have managed to find treasures without going bankrupt. It provides those wonderful endorphins that provide the right "feel good" sense of accomplishment when you can take trash and turn it into treasure.
When I think of quality, I think of friendships and family. I think of the level of life you can live. These are part of my FOUNDATION of POSITIVITY! I have been fortunate enough to have always had family and friends that loved and supported me at my worst and my BEST! It is that kind of connection and feeds my soul and provides a desire for me to extend the same to others.
When I look at the two words now, they seem more synonymous than before.
When we open our minds and look at things from the right perspective we are able to relax and go with the flow.
When are able to focus on the reward rather than the struggle, and we are able to share this with others.
How do you view your life today? Are you living the quality you would like to live? Do you make a conscious effort to change what you don't like? It is my desire that we all learn to build a positive foundation and then share it in quantity!
Have a Positive Day!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Today's P is for PERSPECTIVE!
 Some people look at this and see a banana and two roma tomatoes.  Some look at it and see a smile.  I felt strongly today about what the letter P stood for in my mind.
 My recent adventure took me to a local park and determined to get my exercise in to assist to my weight loss. I lost a little gadget that tracks how much activity I have earned for the day. I say earned because it is a Weight Watcher term but it gave me incentive. Anyway, I never realized it was gone until after I got home, I was a little sore about it, I can't lie, but it bugged me ALL night.
 First thing this morning I got back out there and retraced my steps with a "finder's" device that says..."let's find this thing". So, I gathered up the little dog and said to myself...OKAY!!! I retraced the entire path with high hopes and a definite mind set that I was going to find it. After several breaks, watching Cosmo frolic, and a few words with some nice people out getting their exercise, I went back to the car and had to admit the obvious. IT was gone.
I sat in my car and turned on the radio. The first song I heard was UPTOWN FUNK, (oh the irony, right Susan)? This song always lifts my spirits.
Anyone else have a song that does this?
I sat there and looked around, I noticed how nice it was outside, I looked at Cosmo's happy little face, and changed my perspective. I realized that losing the link brought on something good. I met a few new people, I got out and enjoyed some amazing weather, and I got in another day's worth of exercise!!! WIN!!! WIN!!!
Sometimes we have to change our perspective to save ourselves. Perspective is 100 % an inside job. Try it out! If your feeling angry, tired, or blue...check your perspective and flip it. You'll be surprised at the affect it has!
Have a Positive Day!

Friday, April 17, 2015



     It seems I am always behind on this challenge. I always set a high expectation on myself but REFUSE to be defeated. So, in my feeble attempt to catch up on a challenge I enjoy but have neglected lately, here is a quick catch up. The focus is on the details to build a positive foundation.  Hope you get something you can use in your own life today.

H- Hope is one of the biggest things I have to keep in check. If I want to remain positive, I have to stay hopeful. If I let that go, I would be hopeless and that would mean defeat. I will not give up on my passions, desires, and goals.

I- I is for inspiration. I have several people, places, and things, that I look to for inspiration daily. If you cannot find an inspiration. BE ONE! My mother, my daughter, and my friends are my human inspirations. When I sit by the river or the ocean and observe and appreciate the flow of it's surroundings, I get inspired. When I read a story of success or hear about a random act of kindness that paid off for someone who needed it, I am inspired. Find your inspiration today!

J- Just Breathe. There is a song that I run through my head called "Breathe" by Anna Nalick. I have always been driven by music and lyrics. I come from a long musical background within my own making and for anyone who experiences anxiety, you just know what songs can soothe you. Use them to your advantage. Lose yourself in a song and relax.

K- Kisses and Hugs. These actions are free and I think it is something you can never get enough of. I find that a strong hug from a loved one, friend, or even kisses from my little Cosmo are enough to brighten my day.

L- Love. Love comes in so many shapes and forms. It comes in feeling and action. You feel love, you express love, you share love. These free actions that we are capable of sharing as humans, can make a world of difference to someone. You can also show love to inanimate objects. If you have an old chair that is usable but has gotten dirty and lost it's shine, show it some love. Clean it up and you'll be surprised at the love it gives back to you in giving you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

M- Motherhood. Those who are mothers to a child, several children, or your fluffy animal companion, know the joy and strength being a mother provides. It is a huge part of a foundation we need to live a positive lifestyle. The time and effort it takes to mold and teach them pays off a million times over when you see them grow, accomplish, and you see little pieces of you in them. It's magic.

N- New. Try something new in awhile. I try to challenge myself to try something new at least once a week. Yes, it takes me out of my comfort zone, yes it is intimidating, but if it is one thing I have cannot grow healthy and flourish if it stays in the same little pot without fertilizer, water, and sun. Help yourself grow and flourish today, try something new. The result is positive.

O- Original. Always be who you are and be ORIGINAL! Our originality is something no one can take from us yet there are those who give it up. Not one person is like another entirely. Share your originality today! Let it shine!!! It helps solidify the foundation to Positive Thinking.


Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today, my "G" is for GRATITUDE!

I think at times our lives get us entirely too busy and forget to appreciate what we DO have and not focus on what we DON'T have. I usually realize I do this when I start to feel sorry for myself, or focus on the things I don't  have which in turn, makes me sad. If I don't catch it in time, it seems to spread so quickly and before I know it, I am thinking negative.

One thing I have learned from my "temporary life change", is that this is one thing I CANNOT lose control over. If I don't catch it in time, it will spread quicker than a wild fire. That is when I feel out of balance, sad, or negative. Positive thinking takes time and training, it does not become second nature over night. I'm pretty sure it is harder to learn to learn than when I rode my 1st skate board.

Positive thinking takes time and daily effort. The foundation to this daily for me is GRATITUDE!
If I don't start my day with some gratitude, accentuating the positive, and the do have's, I never get to the can do's and the "look what I DID do's". From the time I get up, to the time I lay down at night, it takes conscious effort. It doesn't cost money, it's not a waste of time, and the payback is enormously more than you could imagine.

People listen, even when you don't think they are. Everything seems to fall into place at the right time, and the real struggle I find is an inside job. When I let go, and stop trying to control life and the outcome, is when the miracle happens. When I take the time to stop, look back, and reflect. I see where my I wasted energy and where I missed the opportunity to channel it in a better direction.

I don't think it's right or wrong. I don't think I am BETTER than anyone else, but one thing is for certain...I AM LOVED.

Stay POSITIVE and GRATEFUL today and whatever your worried about will present the right path to it's solution. Sometimes we just have to be still and...


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Positively F

Today's F is for frontal lobe. This is a part in the front of your brain that controls your behaviors and motor skills. I bring this up not just because I am taking a psychology class, mainly because I think mine is damaged. I mean this in humor and not to offend anyone. I am pretty sure I heard one of my axon's snap while dealing with a well known pharmacy. I know I get a lot of medications, and I know I am not their only customer. I just know from being life experience that if you don't handle your own affairs, no one else will.

While there are tons of people out there who go above and beyond to help me, there are some places that have seemingly lost track of customer service skills.

I re-learned two valuable lessons:

    1. You are responsible for your own serenity

   2. Take charge of your own affairs, no one owes you anything.

With that being said, I maintained my integrity and swiftly changed my prescriptions over to another place. That solves that frustration...for today (giggling).

My point for consideration is....we never know what the other person is going through when they aren't fulfilling our needs. Maybe they are having a bad day.

The positive value we take away from this...we learn to appreciate the ones who do go above and beyond to help us and compassion for those who do not. It is sure a lot easier then wearing yourself out getting upset.

I definitely do not have this mastered yet!!!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Positively E

E is for extended family today!
It has been my experience that family is not just essential it is necessary. I am fortunate enough to be able to say I have one of the best blood related families in the world but I want to also mention the ones who where hand picked, or picked ME.

My "family" grows bigger by the day it seems. It's friendships that become family. People who go above and beyond for you to help you and be there for you when you need it. It's the unconditional love they give to you and not because they HAVE to. Someone once asked me about the amount of people I have on my "friends list" for Facebook. They want to know, "Do you really KNOW that many people"? The answer to that is, YES! I have friends from school, past places I have lived, worked with, grown up with, and just met at random. One of my favorite sayings about a failed relationship ( I have had a couple), is " I acquired my friend _________ out of the deal at least"! Alas, all humor aside. It makes me believe that things happen in life for a reason, we go through some tough times but if we hadn't, we may not have met so many awesome people.

I love the word "FRAMILY", to me it means the world! I don't know where I would be without the love and support of them all. Each one from the amazing woman who gave birth to me, to the ones who chose to be in my life. I love you all!!!

EXTEND your love and open your heart today, it provides healing for everyone involved.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Positively D

Positively D. Today's "D" is for two things occurring in my life today, Discouragement and Diagnosis.  I am not a woman of a lot of patience. If it is one thing I have learned from my disability is how to slow things down and learn the process. Being challenged daily with pain and thinking you are more capable than your body allows is very discouraging. In my mind I feel like a young vibrant girl who can run out and ride her bike again or go out dancing and walk the park with my little dog Cosmo like I used to. I am my own internal war. 

 I have returned from a long week of testing and travel due to my lung disease and after jumping through the hoops of being what feels like a "lab rat", I'm tired and disgusted with my continuous alteration of my diagnosis. The testing is hard and it hurts. Not just physically, but mentally. I am not perfect and cannot be positive 24/7 which irritates the heck out of me.

After a brief breakdown which is similar to a small child banging on her highchair and throwing a fit, I challenge myself. I Look for the silver lining. You may not see it at first. I just allow myself to throw that fit and let it go. Then I calm down enough to see it, to reach out and grab it and run with it as you would a kite to make it fly.

This my friends is what gets me through what I face daily. I am blessed with one of the most amazing group of family and friends who I call my support team! Truth be told, I probably have one of the largest too! It brings out my "princess" syndrome. I have always thought of myself as a princess and most people who know me have heard me referred to as such (mostly by my own claim :)). Even when I was a child I thought I was to be treated a certain way with respect and love, that I deserved certain things, that my entire life was going to fall into place and I would reach my castle. I never loose sight of that. I am not narcissistic but I am strong and positive. My favorite thing is always sharing that with people I encounter. I believe that even the smallest friendly smile can make a world of difference to a perfect stranger!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Positively "B"

BEAUTIFUL distraction. I realize most do not know me or my style of posting (yet), but it gets real and raw.  In the midst of our worst pain, or fear, we find's not always easy to find, but it's there. It doesn't matter if I am under going a surgical procedure, simple CT, or just going to a standard appointment, it shows up. FEAR...fear of the unknown or those first time jitters. It seems just enough to stop me in my tracks. That's when I begin to see what I wasn't looking for. The "beauty"!
It may just be the smile I get back after looking at someone in the eye and smiling 1st...or the "fun" nurse you come across after some of the most difficult appointment. It's calming and comforts you. I have truly learned the meaning of, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Positively "C"

C is for CARING. While enroute back home we stopped at this rest area. Connie (an RN), Samantha(pregnant lady), and myself. Everyone was content off in our own directions when a lady ended up in severe heart and breathing distress. Without a second thought Connie was right there helping the lady out and calming her down. It was a beautiful and compassionate act to witness. Just knowing Connie was a nurse calmed the lady which was necessary in relaxing her until the paramedics arrived. Best part is, it helped Connie too. Sammy was a great "runner and back-up". What a beautiful act to witness.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


A is for my introduction. Always positive. I am a 45 yr old single mom of a beautiful 24 year old army soldier. SHE is MY HERO! If anyone their Momma proud. It is her! She is my one and only and my inspiratuon.

Always remaining positive is something I focus on. You see, I am also fighting to get a new lung. NSIP(non specific interstitial pneumonia), a connective tissue disease and auto immune disorder have taken an entire lung. I believe we can all be positive no matter what we face and we don't need to worry about the little things in life. They are JUST little.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tired and Scared, but Hopeful

Tired and Scared, but Hopeful. Mixed emotions build inside of all of us, I know I'm not the pioneer but when it occurs within me, I tend to take it personal.

Tired due to my own constant pushing against my body to be better, to do better, and due to my people pleasing personality. My tiredness is of my own making because I know what my limits are but I seem to find myself guilt ridden if I don't push hard enough until I am at the point of exhaustion. It's my own fault, I know it. I just have to accept that about myself or change it.

Scared. Fear of the unknown and what answers will come from the next round of medical testing. natural reaction for any of us. Guess what? I am not the pioneer of this either. I say pioneer as a reference to the fact that I KNOW I am  not the only one who has been through this, or feels like this but there is one thing I chose to make a difference within me. I remain HOPEFUL! Even through the tears, the hopeless feeling I get at times, the times when I can't always be strong. If I don't make it seem like Sunshine And Roses it's because IT'S NOT!

The good thing is, I choose to not lose hope, even through the pain I feel, or the guilt. I have hope. Even through the tears I used to fight off, I let them flow today and let the pain go. This is the time to pick myself up, put my BIG GIRL panties back on and press forward. It can be done. With a positive thought as small as a ion, it will grow and be strong again. You can just never give up. Let go of what is not possible and focus on what is. Make conscious decisions to not predict a negative outcome or possibility, but a POSITIVE one!

 What other choice is there?
What do you have to lose?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What to do when you reach a fork in the road...


There is only so much a person can take right? How do we survive when whatever we are faced with seems to much to handle? How do you feel "okay" on the inside when all you want to do is scream, feel sorry for yourself, and cry? Well, I can't say that how I handle things is for everyone...all I can attest to is the fact that it works for me

Happiness is an inside job. This is a true statement. I talk about "choosing" to be happy each day, appreciating what you have at this moment, and doing my part. The simple truth is that I am human. I fail miserably at KEEPING IT TOGETHER sometimes. These are times that I let people who want to love me, Love Me! I have been single most of my life and raised a beautiful successful daughter with help from friends and family, I know when it is time to let others help. This is how I recharge so I can return the favor and share my smile, my positivity, and my words with those who need it.

I don't believe my situation is any worse or less important than anyone else's. Let's be honest, even on the worst day you can remember in your life...can you NOT think of someone else's situation that would be or feel worse??? I ALWAYS CAN! Think about what being responsible for yourself means. It means having the freedom to make your own choices and be willing to face the consequences. It means feeling mad, sad, or scared about your current situation and getting past it to focus on what you CAN do...not what you CAN'T! This last suggestion I offer, help someone else! the midst of your pity party or frustration and sadness, do something nice for someone else. It is amazing how random acts of kindness can go more viral as someone's YouTube video.

Each morning, chose to make your day easier. Try to be positive in a negative situation and be a blessing to someone else today. Even just holding the door open for someone can make changes in directions you may never witness...just know they happen.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Live, Laugh, Love...

FRIENDSHIP is a wonderful experience in life. To me, they’re not the same and all unable to replace. Now, I am not saying they are not some that come and go, but the ones we treasure are the ones that stick it out forever. A dear friend of mine once said,"People are either in you life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." This statement is so true. I have found that over my years of being an extrovert, I have some that remain in my heart and my thoughts forever, and some that chose to walk away and vise versa.

In any case, no experience in my opinion is wasted as long as you learn from it. I have learned that true friendship is not based on how many times you see these people, how close in contact you stay with each other, or who does more for who and when. NONE OF THESE THINGS VALIDATE LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP!!!  I am blessed that I have friends I don't speak a word to for days, months, or even years...but as soon as we do, there it is!!! The co nnection. We all have lives to live and hurdles to overcome. We are only cheating ourselves if we love with condition. I am lucky enough to have more friends than I can fit in one collage of pictures and even luckier that I don't have to dote on them or call them weekly or DO anything....we just ARE. I have a huge appreciation for that today and I don't think there is one person I could thank or do enough for any of them that could show the appreciation I feel.

You all know who you are and not a one of you expects "honorable mention". I just feel lucky that you KNOW we are friends. Thank you for being a part of my journey...We Still Have A Looooong Way To Go!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Choose Happy!

It's funny how there are days when I just don't want to get up and get moving. Some days I honestly am sick of looking at the positive and want to sit in my shit and feel sorry for myself. Each time I do this, I notice one word pops up...CHOICE, It is my choice to decide how my day goes. It is my choice on how I want to perceive things whether it be in an optimistic manner or a pessimistic one. I really have no one to run this ship I call my life except me.
The good news is....that makes me the "QUEEN BEE", or "HEAD VOYAGER"! I am responsible for my daily tasks, attitude and outcome. Therefore, if things are going's up to me to change it around! It's not because of what my parents did or did not do. It is not because I have been handed a humbling disability, or because someone made fun of me in 3rd grade. Every day is a new start. Life is about 10 % of what happens to us and 90% of how we deal with it. If I lay around and play the victim and just give up, I will reap what I have sewn.
I have "tools" that I use when I have those "giving up" days. First, I realize...there are a lot of people out there far worse off than me! Next, I allow myself to walk through the sequence of events if I choose to be negative or positive. Usually about half way through the negative cycle, I snap out of it and pull myself together and head to what is positive. I change my attitude and take action! Some days are easier than others and there are days where most of it is spent "still deciding" on the choice of optimism or pessimism. It's up to me!
Do you struggle with the choice some days? What do you do to get yourself out of it?
Friends, today is a great day to choose HAPPY!!! No matter what the weather or circumstances are, or how much people seem out to "get you". It is up to YOU! Find your happy place and pass on the positive outlook to others. Let's make it CONTAGIOUS!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Super Powers....Activated!!!


The way I was raised was by no means normal but I was raised with a  lot of love, thought, and consideration for others (almost to a fault). I learned that no one owes you anything, you earn what you want, and kindness gets you further in life than anger or bitterness. Pretty much, everything I ever needed to know in life, I learned by the time I was out of kindergarten! It's what we do with these guidelines on a daily basis that matters.

I had the pleasure of witnessing an act of kindness. We woke up to about 3 inches of snow. While it has it's beauty, it also brings responsibility. I watched as this couple got out and not only plowed and shoveled their driveway and sidewalk. they did 4 other houses as well. It gave me the warm fuzzies inside. It made me start thinking about random acts of kindness and paying it forward. That kind of thing isn't just for the holiday season you know! It's not unusual to go to a grocery store and see perfectly able people ditching shopping carts, or the person who will treat someone they don't even know with little or no respect. I often traditional customer service dead!  

The good news is...the answer is "NO"!!! We just have to open our eyes and look for it. There are people with morals and manners out there and they are exercising these deeds daily. It just depends on what we are looking for. What I am saying is, if we are focused on the negative...that's the view that will be most predominant to us. If we focus on what is positive, then we see it. I have am fortunate enough to have "positivity" as one of my characteristics ( I call it one of my SUPER POWERS). We all have them, it's a moment to moment choice whether we use these SUPER POWERS for good or evil. I can choose to be "snotty" to someone, or "selfish", and the list could go on but I do know when I use them for GOOD...the outcome is better. Not just for the one the power is used on.....but for myself as well. 

Be a good person today, focus on the good in the person that irritates you the most. It is an interesting experiment that has a POSITIVE result.