Friday, April 17, 2015



     It seems I am always behind on this challenge. I always set a high expectation on myself but REFUSE to be defeated. So, in my feeble attempt to catch up on a challenge I enjoy but have neglected lately, here is a quick catch up. The focus is on the details to build a positive foundation.  Hope you get something you can use in your own life today.

H- Hope is one of the biggest things I have to keep in check. If I want to remain positive, I have to stay hopeful. If I let that go, I would be hopeless and that would mean defeat. I will not give up on my passions, desires, and goals.

I- I is for inspiration. I have several people, places, and things, that I look to for inspiration daily. If you cannot find an inspiration. BE ONE! My mother, my daughter, and my friends are my human inspirations. When I sit by the river or the ocean and observe and appreciate the flow of it's surroundings, I get inspired. When I read a story of success or hear about a random act of kindness that paid off for someone who needed it, I am inspired. Find your inspiration today!

J- Just Breathe. There is a song that I run through my head called "Breathe" by Anna Nalick. I have always been driven by music and lyrics. I come from a long musical background within my own making and for anyone who experiences anxiety, you just know what songs can soothe you. Use them to your advantage. Lose yourself in a song and relax.

K- Kisses and Hugs. These actions are free and I think it is something you can never get enough of. I find that a strong hug from a loved one, friend, or even kisses from my little Cosmo are enough to brighten my day.

L- Love. Love comes in so many shapes and forms. It comes in feeling and action. You feel love, you express love, you share love. These free actions that we are capable of sharing as humans, can make a world of difference to someone. You can also show love to inanimate objects. If you have an old chair that is usable but has gotten dirty and lost it's shine, show it some love. Clean it up and you'll be surprised at the love it gives back to you in giving you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

M- Motherhood. Those who are mothers to a child, several children, or your fluffy animal companion, know the joy and strength being a mother provides. It is a huge part of a foundation we need to live a positive lifestyle. The time and effort it takes to mold and teach them pays off a million times over when you see them grow, accomplish, and you see little pieces of you in them. It's magic.

N- New. Try something new in awhile. I try to challenge myself to try something new at least once a week. Yes, it takes me out of my comfort zone, yes it is intimidating, but if it is one thing I have cannot grow healthy and flourish if it stays in the same little pot without fertilizer, water, and sun. Help yourself grow and flourish today, try something new. The result is positive.

O- Original. Always be who you are and be ORIGINAL! Our originality is something no one can take from us yet there are those who give it up. Not one person is like another entirely. Share your originality today! Let it shine!!! It helps solidify the foundation to Positive Thinking.



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