Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Choose Happy!

It's funny how there are days when I just don't want to get up and get moving. Some days I honestly am sick of looking at the positive and want to sit in my shit and feel sorry for myself. Each time I do this, I notice one word pops up...CHOICE, It is my choice to decide how my day goes. It is my choice on how I want to perceive things whether it be in an optimistic manner or a pessimistic one. I really have no one to run this ship I call my life except me.
The good news is....that makes me the "QUEEN BEE", or "HEAD VOYAGER"! I am responsible for my daily tasks, attitude and outcome. Therefore, if things are going's up to me to change it around! It's not because of what my parents did or did not do. It is not because I have been handed a humbling disability, or because someone made fun of me in 3rd grade. Every day is a new start. Life is about 10 % of what happens to us and 90% of how we deal with it. If I lay around and play the victim and just give up, I will reap what I have sewn.
I have "tools" that I use when I have those "giving up" days. First, I realize...there are a lot of people out there far worse off than me! Next, I allow myself to walk through the sequence of events if I choose to be negative or positive. Usually about half way through the negative cycle, I snap out of it and pull myself together and head to what is positive. I change my attitude and take action! Some days are easier than others and there are days where most of it is spent "still deciding" on the choice of optimism or pessimism. It's up to me!
Do you struggle with the choice some days? What do you do to get yourself out of it?
Friends, today is a great day to choose HAPPY!!! No matter what the weather or circumstances are, or how much people seem out to "get you". It is up to YOU! Find your happy place and pass on the positive outlook to others. Let's make it CONTAGIOUS!

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