Friday, April 4, 2014

It's All A Chain Reaction...

ALL it takes is the first one to start. It doesn't seem to matter what emotion or action it is that we take, it seems to keep being passed on and is so widely spread we do not see how far it will reach. We just know it happens. Human kindness...begins with us.

This week I swallowed some pride and took the high road in a situation that honestly still makes me cringe at times. I had to, it was just the right thing to do. From this one action, I have been blessed many times over this week. Now, I can't swear that this is what happens every time to every one or if this is where it started. What I do know is that is how it worked for me this week. I was in line at the coffee shop and found out the lady in front of me had bought my coffee for me. I felt really "lucky" at that moment and was pretty excited...and then I thought. UH OH! Pay It Forward Shari...YOUR TURN!!!  I sort of panicked as I thought about what I could do. I now had my 2.50 to share with someone else. Did I buy the person behind me their coffee? No. I went to different places and spread some forwardness in my own way. Does it matter where we do it? NO. Does it matter HOW we do it? NO. It's the principal of it. The best part is that it didn't stop there for me. I was getting gas and had to go inside to see the clerk. I noticed a young boy next to me who had a birth defect which caused him to have one little arm. I smiled at him and then he spoke to me. He said..."I'm sorry." I looked around like what did he do? I replied, "Why are you sorry"? He said for what happened to you to make you wear that on your nose. I smiled and took a good look at him and thought about what he just said. It gave me goose bumps. That's a good person in front of me is all I could think. I assured him that it turns more into a blessing every day and listed a couple of positive aspects of my condition. We parted with compliments and all the way home I thought about this. Here is a boy who deals with his disability daily and he reaches out to someone he sees is "ill". It brought a tear to my eyes. Look what doing the right thing in life can SPARK.

We may not all have the money to buy someone's lunch or coffee in the "Pay It Forward" theory but we do know human kindness. We do know right from wrong, politeness and helping our fellow man. We know how to smile at someone who is frowning and we know how to hold a door for someone. The point is, this is all a CHAIN REACTION and it has to start with someone but it takes the efforts from the rest of us to keep it going.

Show some random KINDNESS today and make a difference.