Sunday, March 30, 2014

Overcome the Frustration...

Every day is not a day where your able to kick your feet up and not have a care in the world. We encounter daily frustrations. It's just a fact of life. It can last a second or an can last all day! I analyze my frustrations on a daily basis. I realize that under current life changes that are beyond my control, I have to pick my battles. I can't be upset that some jerk parked in my favorite parking space or that the lady at the restaurant got my order wrong. I get to feel the frustration of my illness. I get to push past little things that happen on a daily basis and deal with what is most important. As big of a challenge it is...I'm grateful. I say "GET" to because it shows me how small some things I have always gotten upset over in life are just that...small.  

Today the real challenge for me is staying ahead of my immune disease. If the weather changes I don't just get the sniffles...I get sick! There is not one ounce of control I have over the weather, I just deal with it.  I don't get to be upset over the fact that I have to go to work on Monday. I GET to be upset that my medicine makes the inside of my mouth sensitive to many foods and makes me not want to eat. That isn't the part that's's the fact that the same medications make me gain weight for no reason apparent to ME!  My body seems to fight against itself and that my SHEER FRUSTRATION! Not being able to control elements that frustrate us is a big deal. I personally don't like it!  Alas, I deal with it and you know what? It teaches me.

I wish there were things in life that didn't make us suffer before we are able to see what really matters, what is really important. I could have saved myself a lifetime of needless worry and anxiety if I could have seen this for myself instead of having to get sick to be able to see. The magnitude of someone walking away from you because they didn't fall in love with you is not tragic, it hurts but we live. The fact that I didn't get that dream job I wanted sucks, but again there is no tragedy. Perspective changes when we are faced with problems beyond your control. We have to find it within ourselves to believe that the right job, the right love, or the right weather will come. Even under current circumstances I am able to see that the weather will not be like this everyday and I will get through this today. I have to believe that just because the "formula" they try on me isn't right today, that there is a chance to adjust it tomorrow. There is always hope.

Stay positive, never give up, and will come.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Today's Prescription...

Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow has no guarantees at this point. That is what entered my crazy little mind this morning. Yesterday was not one of my best day's health wise and I made the best of it.I take my medications, I drink my smoothie, and I smile. Today, I woke up with a vengeance against the condition that tries to overtake me. I said NOPE, NOT HAPPENING!!! Today, that is not good enough for this woman!!!

The sun is shining, there is a Dutch Bro's to be had, and my little dog deserves a morning at the park!  That is my mind set. There was gas in the car, $3.00 in my pocket, and the weather is just right. I had no excuses. It made me think about our mindsets. A self defeating mindset can wreck us before we have the chance to "check" ourselves. I wasn't going to let that be me today. It's not just the pills I have to take, it's my actions that make the difference. Out to the car, coffee in hand, I took the little dog to the park. Normally we only walk the small loop and today that wasn't good enough for me. I approached it with no expectation set on time, or pace. I just DID IT! We made the full loop and it made me feel good from the inside out. I proved to myself that I could do it and the fact that the action was taken made my body feel good.

I have always heard that actions speak louder than words and how true that is. I have a choice today, I can sit and wait for the medication to work, or I can do my part and take action to help it make progress. Since before I could remember there was a food pyramid on the package of bread sacks. It showed us what a balanced diet looked like. There was no magic pill, or magic exercise to cure the chubby was the action. It was following the basics and doing it that made progress happen. I tested the theory today after laying around and accepting my disease yesterday, today I challenged it. So far....I WON!  

Try a NEW prescription today...see what the options are and just DO IT!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Restrictions Can Be Blessings...

Some days bring restrictions. It may be my body telling me " no, not today", it may be the poor air quality outside, it could be no gas in the car, or simply not knowing where to go. I am pretty lucky to be here in Phoenix where the weather is amazing most of the time and there is a ton of stuff to do. I am learning to live within my means and use my creativity in new directions.

Today's weather report brought up the "Poor Air Quality" report which means that people in my situation should not be outside. It happens, no big deal...but for some reason I felt bummed. Doesn't Mother Nature know I had PLANS?!?!?!  With a few necessary tasks to complete I tackled them and got back home where I am sentenced for the day. Time to turn this around! It took a few minutes but lets face it...I'M GETTING GOOD! I dug out some of my favorite comfort clothes, planned a healthy lunch, got out the lazy blanket and decided to have a Glee marathon day! YEP! I said GLEE! It's perky and captures my interest which are good things to keep my spirits up. I GET to relax today, I GET to burn scents in my Scentsy to make my home smell nice, I GET to lay around in comfy clothes, and I GET to take care of myself with a healthy lunch.

Instead of being upset that the weather ruined what I PLANNED to do today and wonder why this happens TO me, I turned it around to see how it happened FOR me. I forget to slow down sometimes and it's necessary so this weather was a blessing. We never know when something that ruins our plans shows up to create better ones.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Don't Just See An Expression, Feel It...


My boy! My Buddy! Cosmo is my little dog who is happy to see me no matter if I have left him alone for 10 minutes or 10 hours! There have been days in the past year and a half that have made me glad I have him. He saved my life and doesn't even know it.

He is one of the best canines I have seen. I can take him in public, I can leave him at home, he has traveled on planes, and been from the bottom of the United States to the top, even in a car! For this, he gets rewarded. We have Tuesdays for him. I took him somewhere he could run with no leash. He listens and he LOVES to chase birds. BAD BIRDS!!!  It's funny to watch him. He never hurts anything but loves to run until they fly off to a new spot and he turns around feeling proud. I learn when I watch him.

 This got me thinking about how much I have to be proud of. I have a beautiful daughter who I raised on my own serving in the US Army in Korea. I have a roof over my head, food in my cupboards, and a family who recognized every accomplishment I made in this life. I am proud! How many times in life do we give permission to be proud of ourselves? Conceit? Self-absorbed? Egotistical? Whatever you want to call it. I think a realistic dose of it is required once and awhile.

 There are times when it seems we don't pat ourselves on the back or take a minute to feel the joy from an accomplishment. There are a lot of things in life that can bring us down. There are even more things that frustrate us to the point of exhaustion but there is something about appreciating and being proud of ourselves that make a moment bright. Even if something doesn't feel like it should be at the moment and you have chased it as far as you can, then watch it fly away and experience the love that comes with letting it go.

I never wanted to let my baby girl go to Korea, and it wasn't easy, but I did. I look back on that now and I feel pride. She has turned into a beautiful girl. I have love and lost only to learn that real love meant to love it enough to set it free.
Most importantly, I have learned to love myself. Just as I am. When I love me, it is then that I can appreciate others like Cosmo, my daughter, my parents, and my friends.

Friday, March 21, 2014

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are...

HERE IT's what I call my babysitter lunch. That is the term I used when I was a kid. It was the type of food you get served when your mom works full time and you went to a babysitter. I've had tuna sandwiches with chips before that were made by my mom, (not very often because they weren't my favorite) and they never tasted the same at the babysitter's house. Everything from texture to smell and taste when you're there is not HOME. I admit that I am no Betty Crocker for sure but as far as I know, tuna fish does not have one set recipe that we all follow. Some use mayo some use salad dressing, some put pickles in it and some don't. Everything from the amounts to the ingredients very. Now, I was fortunate to have great babysitters. They all loved me and treated me like their own. I became a part of their families. I consider myself a lucky girl.

With my daughter being in Korea and me being here in Phoenix away from everyone familiar and not what I always knew as home, I made myself this tuna sandwich and chips for lunch today. No big deal right? Wrong!!! I didn't just make lunch. I made comfort. Obviously feeling a little homesick this morning I chose to go to what I know. To make something familiar and comforting. While I am not overwhelmed with sadness or any type of depressed feeling, I just felt the "missing" part today.  It's natural, we all do. No matter how bad or miserable you could be there at times, it will always be your home and what you know.

I don't regret for one minute being right where I am today. I LOVE it here! I made this my NEW HOME. I was the only one who could. There is a sense of pride knowing that everything here today is what I have made it to be. I showed myself and others that it is possible. We can easily forget what we are capable of, doubt our strengths, and slide back towards the spiral vortex that holds some negativity. You know whats in there are the things that make us feel sad, or "less than". We have the strength to overcome that to get past a lonely moment, to feel the strength and not feel like the victim. We can make a new place our HOME and be happy.

Even if your comfort is a sandwich that sparks a memory, use it! Our strengths come from our inner tool box. You just have to find the right tools and use them!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Small Town Attitude in the Big City...

Going from a town of 22,000 people to a city of over 1,445,000 brings a lot of change. In a small town, when you wave at someone driving down the road...they smile and wave back. In the CITY if you do that...they flip you off! 

Everything from the way people drive down to exchanging smiles or conversation at a grocery store are different. This is one of the things we overlook when we get caught up in our 9 to 5 jobs, our daily routines, politics, religion, and taxes. I was out for a drive this morning and this thought popped into my head. WHAT HAPPENS IF I NEVER CONVERT AND CONFORM TO THE BIG CITY ATTITUDE?  Some old cliches come to mind, "nice guys finish last", "the hero always gets the dame", and don't forget "the early bird get's the worm". These have all been programmed into my mind since I can remember. I am almost positive one of my relatives spoke in cliches. Being the positive spirit  I am, I carry the positive ones and let go of the negative. It's almost like figuring out why I was put on this EARTH. Don't let that fool you though. In all honesty, I have my negative moments. I feel like after a year and a half I am finally getting through the roughest time in my life. Starting in January 2012 thru January 2013, I experienced so many major changes in my life that I was pretty sure I would be better off DEAD...and so would everyone else. I wasn't ME...I was lost.

 Through all of this I was glad I wasn't alone. I am very fortunate to have a lot of people in my life who love me, but THIS I had to get through on my own. No pill, no drink, no love, no amount of money, would fix this. It had to be ALL ME!

This is where I had to pull up my big girl panties and make a choice. LIVE or GIVE UP! This is where my positive thinking had to come full force. I had to pick my battles. Was I going to be upset at the guy who drove erratically and cut me off or was I just going to let him in so we all avoided the attitude? Was I going to still smile at people in the store and talk with them even if they looked at me like I was a weirdo invading their space bubble? The point is, every move I make is my choice. I can conform to the way others treat me, or I can rise above. I can take a chance on being thought of as a weirdo because I am overly friendly at times, or I can sit in silence alone. We all know what I choose. It is what feeds my spirit. That is my choice today, I believe we all have to stay true to ourselves without sacrificing others comfort. Today, I put my smile and friendly attitude out there and if someone doesn't respond it's o.k. It makes me feel good to try. I don't believe in pushing them to the point of discomfort because that makes the point mute, I just feel we never know when things will turn around. My small town friendliness may be contagious in the big city! It may not infect all  1,445,000 people if it will get to 4 of them, the rest has a chance to spread. INFECT others today and be the LEADER...PASS IT ON!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Feel the Music...

You know when you hear that song come on that sparks a memory. At that moment it seems we loose ourselves in it. You remember where you were, what you were doing, or who it reminded you of. Although the memories may not always be good, they were YOUR moments, YOUR memory, a part of your story.

I have relied on music most of my life. As a kid, I would ride my 10-speed around the neighborhood and listen to my little black tape recorder playing songs that felt as though they could make or break my life. The WORDS, the BEAT, the way it made me FEEL. Each new song I heard related to a time frame in my life.

Music is not just music to me. It obviously triggers memory,   but for me it enhances my moods. When I feel bad, I can put on a playlist of songs that are upbeat, and I feel happy. When I used to work out and didn't have any motivation...I could play music to motivate me. I learned pretty quick that music was one of the food groups for my soul. I know doing good things, and making good choices contribute to the health within me, but music...MUSIC fills me and touches me deep down inside. If I feel sad and lonely I certainly do not want to play a sappy love ballad right?!?!?! When it is time for us to put our babies to bed, do we ever sing a song similar to 10 Little Monkeys? 

Music can be felt. It is not something that you reach out and touch, it isn't even something that is identical to each person. Music is one thing we tailor to ourselves. The same song can affect me differently than another person sitting in the same room, on the same day, at the same time, as I am and they will gain their own perception. It will create their own memory. It will slide into their soul to be absorbed differently than it did me. To me that is what makes music so SPECIAL. What I get from it may never be the same thing that another person does...but it's mine. 
 What song did you hear today that fed your soul?


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Try a New Road...

One of the first things I used when creating something was a template. It is easier to start something if you have the basic idea in front of you. When dealing in creativity that is all you need to begin. A template. How easy is that right?!?!?! You can't be certain of how something is going to turn out at the very beginning. All you can do is begin...start...and try it.

I thought of this when I saw this picture. My colors have never stayed inside the lines, I break my own mold, I take advice with a smile and run my own direction every time. Sometimes the result is good, sometimes it is not as good, but you know what? Sometimes it is EXTRAORDINARY!!! I loved the last part of this..."So, She Drew New Lines". That is exactly what I do. When something isn't quite going the right direction, I change course. If what I know to do is there to guide me and I can't quite catch the necessary niche...I make a new way. We have to tailor our lives to fit. All we have are guides and examples of what we have seen, heard and lived, to go by.

I like to keep it simple today. I know a square peg does not fit in a round hole but that square hole must be out there somewhere otherwise you would be no square peg! We can't give up, we can't get discouraged when the answer is NO. All we can do is move forward, make new lines, fill you day with the things that make you happy and everything WILL fall into place.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Impact of a Picture...

I saw this picture today while surfing through PINTEREST photos. It brought tears to my eyes of JOY and feelings of Happiness to me. The roles are reversed for me as my daughter is currently serving in the U.S. ARMY in Korea. I miss her more than you could imagine some days but I'm PROUD. I wouldn't change of of this for the world. I have really been looking at pictures since I finished my art class. It has so much impact and in different ways to different people.

This picture represents how I feel each time I get to see my baby girl after she is gone for stints of time. To some, it could represent the sacrifice these soldiers make to keep us safe. It gives me goose bumps and I get a little choked up just writing this. There are times when I look at what I don't have or what I want but may never have.  Then I see pictures like this. Not only can I relate to the possible story behind it, but it helps me to realize how small my problems really are. It gives me HOPE and STRENGTH to keep going another day. 

While it is sad sometimes that I miss her, and it hurts when I have to let her go I remember that this moment comes again. The moment of HAPPINESS when we reunite.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ahhh, Mortality...

It happens to all of us nice people. That day you wake up and look in the mirror and see a new wrinkle, or a gray hair revealed right before your eyes. I find myself asking..."when did that thing get here"? It's crazy. It's just like in my thirties when I realized I needed glasses. I was on a trip out of town and realized I was squinting to try and read street signs before I missed a vital turn!  Once again, I had to ask..."when did this happen"? It's a humbling feeling and we all go through it.

There are tricks we learn to do to accommodate the changes we encounter. We dye our hair, wax, pluck, botox, liposuction, and lasik eye surgery. We can do it all to try and EASE the pain of the inevitable. It isn't necessary but we do it. Little things that allow us to try and slow down the process and maintain that little amount of YOUTH to the outer world. It's not like it will take away a birthday, or erase a few years of your life. At the end of the day, we are still the same age on our driver's license. 

I believe in growing old gracefully but I won't let it move in and take over either. Is there anything wrong with that? My opinion is NO. We do things on a daily basis to allow us to feel better. It may not be what another person considers to be the "right thing to do", but it works for us. I am responsible for my own happiness today. One of my favorite sayings is "...if it feels good, makes you happy, and doesn't hurt someone you love...DO IT!" 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good enough...Fair enough...Well enough...

How many times have you heard, "it's best to leave well enough alone"? How long can you do that? What does well enough mean?

It seems there are so many underlying circumstances to things what our hearts truly desire. I know what kind of car I want. Can I afford it today, no. I borrow my daughter's car currently because mine blew up on the north side of the 101 one day. Is that well enough? ABSOLUTELY!!! Does it satisfy my spirit? NO. So, I ask myself what I need to do for it to be that way, and I set up my foundation which involves; what I am willing to do to have it, realization on what is possible and realistic, guides and boundaries to keep me focused and on track, and  being sure that I am ready for it. Let's face it...if I am not ready for something, I will "half ass" it!!! I'm no SAINT!

Getting what we think we want is one thing. Getting what we KNOW we want is an entirely different story. I work harder for things that I have such a strong desire for.  The way I go about it does not always look pretty, but it's all PASSION. When there is something I want so badly that I don't WANT to be without...I hold on the the bitter end and I don't care what anyone thinks. In some situations it has worked back in the day when you went Black Friday shopping and grabbed at the item you had to have. You don't let go!!!

In life, there are just some things we have to let go of. There are things we shouldn't let go of. It can be a little confusing. The point is, I have to decide by weighing the odds between; happiness and love, taking care of myself or working too many hours to get what I think I want. I have to check myself when I am upset. Sometimes I want something that I can't have. I have to question if what it is today, is exactly what I want for myself...just as it is?

 Am I willing to make the adjustments needed to obtain it?
 Can I live the rest of my life with those adjustments?
 This is when I can make a choice, and go with the flow. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Stay In The Moment...

While I was out running errands today, I heard someone say..."Ugh, I can't wait until Friday", and I stopped and thought to myself, "man, it's only Monday". I know I used to say that a lot. At one point in my life I used to begin the dread on Sunday, counting down the hours until I had to get up and go to work Monday morning. We've all done this for one reason or another. It seems we are always waiting on something, someone, some event, or some special day to come. We can wish our entire lives away and completely miss our HAPPY MOMENT.

One of my biggest challenges at times is staying in the NOW. I get excited about something and it seems I start to plan and focus so far ahead of myself that I can miss about anything. Staying in the NOW allows me to enjoy each moment as it comes. 

When I notice myself getting off the radar, I stop and focus on one thing in my immediate vicinity. It can be the sound of wobbly ceiling fan chain clanking on the cover, or the whirring sound of the fan. I just give myself a minute to reel myself in and then I can move forward. It works for me, it brings me back to center. Truth be told, it's another little thing I do to remain content and happy. If I worry about tomorrow; dwell on the past; or concern myself with something that is beyond my control, it becomes easy to be upset and no longer content.  

Today I was reminded to focus on the things in front of me and make the most of each moment I am given. You never know what surprises are hidden in each one. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Take the time and lighten up...

Sometimes it's silly, sometimes its just plain dumb...but some things just make you laugh. We need to laugh and lighten up! If we stay in a serious mentality all the time or take life too seriously, it can suffocate us. Life creates enough obligations and decision making, isn't it nice just to laugh, relax, and enjoy!

Just like the song you hear on the radio out of the blue, that makes you smile, or the way a sarcastic comment will produce a burst of laughter among a group of friends. The song may have ridiculous lyrics to it but it makes you smile or dance like a crazy person. It is like a just infects you and it FEELS GOOD! Enjoy sarcastic comments that may not be appropriate...but it's funny! Go ahead, laugh without judging, enjoy the moment. We need to stimulate those endorphins...we need to relax and enjoy our lives.

We follow rules and structure constantly in our daily lives. Even as kids we have always heard "do this, don't do that"...its structure and it's good,but what I do know is that if you continue to take things so seriously all the time, it will darken what is inside of us.  So give yourself permission to watch that cartoon today, revive that stupid joke you heard once that was so ridiculous it made you laugh until you cried, or dance the silliest moves you've got!!! CUT LOOSE TODAY!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Each Day Is What You Make It...

 Phoenix is a big area with many options for things to do. Everything from free to cheap is there to be had if you look for it. Sure, there are plenty of things to do like Spring Training Baseball games, NFL football games, concerts, weekend events, floating the Salt River, and a ton of nice places to eat. So, what do you do when you are on a budget, or you want to do a lot of things without taking a second mortgage out on your house? I have a friend who speaks fluent Groupon! She is a master!! This made made our outing affordable. She is willing to escape the normal routines of life and take an adventure. It is refreshing to have a friend like that who lives close.

I love baseball and always have since I played in grade school, my favorite position was center field and man....I had an ARM!! Today I was invited to take in a little league game. Here, it is the perfect time of year to venture out, support some of the teams in your local community, get some sunshine and fresh air and try something different!  These games are may observe something as EXCITING as a GRAND SLAM home run accomplished by a 12 yr old. That beaming smile you see as it comes across their face, watching their posture change, PRICELESS. You see moments that will be memories for that ball player and his/her family for many years to come. It took me back thru some of my proud moments and my accomplishments and I knew what that kid felt. I was happy for him and his team mates.

 It's the things we have already experienced and the things we experience on a daily basis that create that. Think about it, two people out of an entire crowd and one moment has an impact on different levels for both. Pretty AMAZING! We just need to take the time to break out of our routines, try new places, put yourself in the moment everywhere you go. You never know what you will take from that experience.

Stepping out of the normal routine allowed me to witness a kids big accomplishment, hang out on a patio with some cool iced tea and great company. I took in an early dinner that was possible because of available resources and a good heart. It's out there to be had, just watch for it. LOVE YOUR LIFE and YOURSELF TODAY!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shari's Thursday Adventure...

I love being out and about. You never know what you will see or who you will meet. While fear exists inside me, I am determined not to let it hold me prisoner. Being on a budget has taught me to be resourceful. If I look for it, it's usually there to be had. I don't believe in abusing things that are offered to us, but I do believe in using them for the purpose they are intended. I discovered that I get free transportation to and from my doctor's appointments, let's face it folks, gas is not cheap. I also believe that using public transportation contributes to our environment in a positive way, needless to say, I scheduled myself a cab which is provided to me by my insurance for no extra cost.
 I had finished with my appointment and instead of sitting inside the lobby to wait for my cab, I decided to sit outside.
I love to people watch. I'm not a stalker (unless you are Russell Wilson), but I enjoy watching how others interact. At first I saw a lady who would not smile at anyone and sat away from a little area by these beautiful cacti. I wondered what her story was or why she was so isolated.
Then I started my own study to pass the time. I decided to smile at each person that walked by me and see how many responses I could get. It was great, almost everyone smiled back! I make up my own scenarios in my head about each one and made myself giggle a couple times. It was entertaining. Then out of the doors comes a woman who is as friendly as I am, she talked pretty loud as she is hard of hearing but once we said hello, we had a great conversation about my portable oxygen and had just gotten the news from her doctor that she needed to think about having access to oxygen for times she struggles. I then found out she was the head of an immune deficiency organization. WOW! Talk about being at the right place at the right time. I won't bore you with the conversation, but let's just say, Ellen was put out there today for me to meet and take the next steps with my health issues. We exchanged information and she went about her way.

My cab driver was an interesting fellow, his message to me was repeated twice. "You know what to do, so just do it"! It was mentioned in our conversation at the beginning of our trip and after some good stories, he mentioned it again. It was like one of those movies from the 80's where the spiritual guide looks at the person and makes sure the message is planted, and then they disappear. Cy the cab driver originally out of New York, was that messenger for me today. It gives me goose bumps to think about it.

I know today that it pays to do something new and different, don't let fear stand in your way. You never know what you will encounter, or who you will see. Sometimes it's a big moment and sometimes they are just little things that can easily be missed, so WATCH for them. They are there and can contribute to your positive daily outlook.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wishes and Dreams...

     I love to make wishes and dream. I love to envision me being a certain size, or having certain things.  I have wants and desires. There are things that make my body feel warm and cozy when I day dream of it coming true. It reminds me of a few of my different childhood toys. One of my favorite was the Magic 8 Ball. I would ask it questions, shake it around and let it reveal the answers to me. I remember a slumber party with friends from middle school and going to the cemetery to play Ouija. Funny it doesn't seem that long ago. My friends and I played M.A.S.H., it was a game created out of wishes, dreams, and an origami folded piece of paper.  We would be asked to answer 4 questions according to our wishes and dreams and by picking numbers or spelling words out, you would have your fortune told. It is all such a game of chance and often produced random results. It was still fun. It either fed the fire within us or left us wondering. It was one thing that we had that didn't squish my dreams, it fed them. I have always been a "LITTLE" bit of an optimist...(yeah right). HUGE OPTIMIST!!! Just in case anyone reading this doesn't know me yet, I thought I'd catch you up.

     The funny part is, the numbers changed, the boys names, how many kids we wanted to have, what type of job we thought we would all.....CHANGED. It is really no different from today, as adults. We still have things that we dream about, and wish some things could be different.

 Looking for the confirmation or answer to knowing what is ahead? It can drive you mad. I find that pain has introduced major growing spurts internally for me. I know today why some things didn't work out 7 years ago. I didn't know it then, I just wanted what I wanted and did not understand why it wouldn't come. Today I know why that event turned out like it did and I'm glad. It turned out just like it was supposed to.

     Today I have certain things I am uncertain about. I had a little internal fear going on inside so, I found an app on my phone that was this Magic 8 Ball. I started shaking it and asking it questions just as I did as a young girl. I had to laugh. It reminded me that the answers were never the same. I can't remember what those wishes and dreams at that time in my life were, so if none of those things came true....I wouldn't know. My wishes and dreams changed and those answers were no longer important. You could have never told me back then that I wouldn't have a crush on that same guy forever, or that my career passion could change, or that life's happenings would change my entire life in an instant. I would never have listened. My positive reflection on this is that I am GLAD I had dreams and wishes, it kept me going every day. I continue to have hopes and dreams today, I just understand a little better when they change.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And you let it go......

I saw this picture for the first time the other day and I immediately saved it. Not really knowing why. You ever do that?  Do you ever now understand why something is happening to you and wonder why at the moment only to FIND OUT WHY days or months later?

I know I've been guilty of being a little vein at times, but this girl in the picture reminds me of myself. Sitting by the water, watching the ducks and just letting them go. Watching them and trying not to touch them. I think about this stage I am in at this point in my life. I'm not the feisty teenager anymore, or the "steam engine" single mother in her twenties. I'm not the woman in her thirty's who wasn't sure which road to take and had the strength and energy to try them all until one felt right.

The good part is....I know who I AM and what I AM WORTH today. I know what I want and the woman I have become. I love so much about the inside of me, that the affects from the medicine are making the outside seem less and less important each day. I NEVER GIVE UP!! That is a constant no matter what age I am or how old I grow to become. I am a good person and I love sharing my life with so many people. I am pretty LUCKY!  

Never let someone else steal your power or your joy. It is NOT your business how other people view you. It may sting, but in the proper perspective you can see and know the truth. Even if it hurts, you grow and become stronger. This is what builds character and not everyone has good character. Make sure the choices you make today are good and allow you to sleep well at night.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Things I Truly Enjoy...

1. Sunshine
2. A light breeze
3. Good company
4.An enthusiastic crowd of fans
5. The sound of the crack of a bat
6 The sound when the ball slaps the glove.
7. Footlong hotdogs
8. Peanuts
9. The excitement when a ball comes over the net and you think you just might catch it
10. Cold beverages
11. The sounds of food vendors yelling out
12. The light hum of the crowd talking together
13. Birds flying above dodging fly balls
14. The fact that I am me
All priceless things I had the opportunity to experince today.
What did you experience today?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Practiciing What We Preach...

Over my last blogs I have talked about positive aspects especially in negative situations, and doing the right thing in wrong situations. That is why I chose this picture today. While it is not right for me to let my little dog hang his head out the window while I's freeing to him. It is one of the little things in life that make his day. Give him this moment for 20 minutes a day and he is CONTENT.

I started thinking about my last blog JUST BE. I had not taken any time to experience that for myself. That was my day yesterday. Nothing forced and nothing planned. I just let things unfold and relaxed. It was as good for my insides as this ride is for Cosmo. After a well deserved rain storm here in the valley and sleeping past 8a.m. I woke up with a good feeling and a positive perspective.

Taking this little guy out for walks first thing in the morning is an excellent way for me to start my day. I get up, get moving, and get a chance to see things before the hustle and bustle of the day begins in the world. We have some routine to our mornings which I believe to be the TONE SETTER of the day. When I start the day off doing something positive for me, the rest just seems to be easier to deal with. That natural smile just appears and I feel it clear down to my toes.

Doing things that make me feel happy on a daily basis is what keeps my attitude in check. It keeps me going in the right direction for my health. Writing this blog on a consistent basis is a big joy right now. I love the way I get to connect with others. Getting out every morning with the dog and at the end of each day for our walks, contributes to my daily happiness. Little accomplishments that I can see and feel the results from are a big part of why I continue each day. I am responsible for MY HAPPINESS each day!  When I take time and focus on me, I am able to help others that compliment my life. It is then that I can contribute MY PART to each day. Even if MY PART is just to smile at the cashier at the checkout who was having a bad day, or let the person into a long line of traffic ahead of me that I myself had been sitting in for 10 minutes. It is MY PART, my contribution. My point is, if I don't feel right inside myself, I can't be that for anyone else.

What is YOUR part today? What do you like to do for YOURSELF? What makes YOU feel good? I wish everyone an AMAZING day and would love to have feedback about what you do to make YOURSELF HAPPY.