Thursday, April 17, 2014

Growing Spurt...

I am back from my 'growing spurt' as I like to call it. Wow...a lot can change in a year. 
      One year ago, I had just gotten back from seeing my daughter after she had completed boot camp. 
        One year ago, I wasn't on oxygen 24/7.
       One year ago, I was fully self-supporting and worked a good job. 
       One year ago, there were even different people in my life than there are today.

So many changes in what seems like such a short amount of time. It can be overwhelming.

Life happens...we have no control over that. With every change comes a choice. Will I embrace it? Or...Will I resist it? There are always those first choices. Not every situation is the same and I certainly do not respond to every situation the same. What I know from experience is that when I stop trying to wrestle with it or figure it out, it all just falls into place. AMAZING!! The more I fight with it or meddle with it, the worse it gets. WHY? Here's the bummer, I don't know...all I know is it make me unhappy!!! I am trying to learn to embrace the changes and pick my battles today. This girl gets tired in her older years...

My point is, I first  have to recognize what my actions are. If I'm being a 'big turd'...I know something is up and I need to just let it go. When I'm not making the best choices, I need to step back, take a break, and recharge. I only have control of what happens with me. I am responsible for making myself happy. I am responsible for taking my health seriously and doing what I need to be doing.
 If I'm not happy, it's MY fault and I re-evaluate. I'm not saying I am incapable of throwing a fit, I'm just saying when I'm done feeling like that and acting that way, I stop wrestling to control it then I can get back on track.

That's when it happens...everything just falls into place.

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