Monday, June 6, 2022


It's inevitable for life to happen, for people to be people and situtions to arise as they may.  So, what happens when it all seems to be working against you?
I've had my share of bad days and I can tell you honestly I haven't always handled them as they should have been. 
When I'm not in a good space, I react rather than respond. this has been a trigger that happens due to my PTSD. I've had this behavior for years.
I had to make a change and for me the change was small but often effective. This one small change is I pause and think about what triggered me and then I respond and resolve as best as I can.  It's a first it seemed so unnatural. Mostly because it wasn't normal to me. I go into immediate defense mode and put the walls up, back away if possible and if nothing is being resolved, I struggle and stammer. AS I SAID...I'm human too. I've caught myself lying, crying, even lashing out once it is set off. Something I am not proud of but it's the truth.  
I'm working on it every day and I feel my improvements.  
This sign says it best. Don't Let Your Bad Days Trick You Into Thinking You Have A Bad Life! 
Once I was beginning to accept myself as handicapped, I was very easily triggered. It seemed to happen every hour of the day. I was waiting to get approved for Social Securirty Disablity and it wasn't coming, It seemed when I would make a plan to get up and make myself have as close to a "Shari normal" day some obstacle was getting in my way. I struggled walking the dog, loading the dishwasher, gettig dressed even took the breath out of me and let's not mention how exhausting it was to take a shower.  
You see I had to continue to try and accept my failures until those failures became "FIGURE-OUTABLE" 
When you come against your trials and tribulations today remember not to let them determine the next momentws of your day because EVERYTHING 

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