Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here it goes!  I'm what you would call a "virgin blogger".  Inspired by my friend "Freezerburned/Suddenly Susan, I decided to give it a whirl! 

Day to day, I can get up...follow the general routine, and proceed with the day as usual.  The only real variation is if its a work day or not.  Today, being the "off work" day, I had the pleasure of proceeding at my leisure.  Being the "planner" that I am, I mapped out the "must do" list and the "want to do" list.  I'm happy to announce that I got through one of the "want to do" list.  The library!!!  I love the library!  Today's search was for a book on Photography.  I recently started a "photo challenge" which involves little daily assignments, and honestly, I am not in denial at my lack of experience...but as I always say...."I'll try it anyway"! It's one of the best ways to explore yourself and find all the stuff you may be better at than you thought. 

Today, I give you this positive thought to take away.  If you don't think your good at it......try it anyway!


1 comment:

  1. I love going to library, too. We don't go often enough. Ironically, we went about 2 weeks ago for a free lecture on Photography. I will definitely be letting you know when other free classes & lectures come up. You'd be surprised at how many there are here in Tri-Cities. So happy to see you blogging!
