Friday, June 3, 2022

Beautifully FLAWED!

In my quest to overcome what felt like the end of my exsistance, I had to take happiness into my own hands and embrace it. 
I was not only dealing with figuring out how to do simple daily things on my own, I had to learn to give myself a break.  
Being hard on myself was the most familiar thing to me.  Being raised to know right from wrong and always try your best each day served me well up to this point, now it was just frustrating. 
Doing simple daily tasks for myself wasn't as it had been a few months before. I understood it and knew I had to embrace it, but accepting it an adapting was a different story.  
I recall one day looking at my laundry basket and knowing I needed clean clothes soon or there was going to be naked.  At this stage of my disease I couldn't lift and carry much more than my oxygen tank any further than across the room. At the time, I was living in Phoenix and our laundry facilities were down the hall.  I had to figure it out.  I took the tie off of my bathrobe and tied it to the basket. You know I pulled that basket all the way down the hall and proceeded to do a load of clothes.  I overcame that obsticle. 
Each day we are all faced with something whether it be big or small makes no differece. 
My first instinct was to feel sorry for myself and cry about my delima. I did. After I was done with my fit is when I figured out a solution

We have a choice each moment. It's important that I rememeber to give myself a break. 
I have met some people I think of as saints but not one of us is perfect. We 
ourselves to feel, accept and deal. 
When I make a mistake or act out...when my first response is a reaction... and even when I get frustrated, it doesn't mean I'm not beautiful, or smart, or that I'm a quitter. 
It simply means I'm beautifully flawed. 

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