Tuesday, March 15, 2016

New Day, New Position, New Adventures...

I've been up the last few mornings feeling the "PUSH"

The push to be productive. The push to do something good. The push to inspire and be inspired. 

Honestly, let's cut the crap! No one is positive 24/7!!!! Not even me, your happy and optimistic blog reporter from out here in the world. I found it necessary to be honest. Not just for you...my friends, family, and readers...but for MYSELF! 

I found I was holding personal realities to a standard. A standard that is a great guide but not an expectation.
That is what I turned it into.
 An expectation.
 I stopped writing which is one of the things that brings me the most happiness.

 The reason I stopped? My life has been on a roller coaster for the past few years. At that point, I decided that if I couldn't write anything positive...then I wasn't going to write anything at all. The critical part I was forgetting was that this was for ME more than it was for you. By omitting the reality, I humbly confess that I selfishly denied someone else to see WE ALL HAVE BAD MOMENTS OR DAYS!  Allowing others to see that fact no matter what happens, I'm still here! I'm and I am still smiling! DOUBT, DEAD ENDS, HEARTBREAK, AND DEBT!!!  Nothing special, nothing no one reading this hasn't experienced. Just because my daily struggles are of my own are medical- does not mean I am the only one sick in the world. Just because I struggle with my ego- a sense of making it all look like a pretty picture no matter what it really is.

I don't always have an immediate positive response to things. Inside,I am just ME. I have lashed out at those close to me to distance myself at times so they don't see me on a bad day. I take abrupt endings in situations that I cannot deal with at that time. Through this, I have lost friendships or relationships I loved. In the end, I discovered a fun fact: Those who truly loved me were still there.  Amends were due and love was still there. 

I couldn't tell you which direction this is going to do for this POSITIVE BLOG. I just know I will continue to share what inspires me and what is REAL!

Today's message...Just Be YOU!!

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