Monday, March 28, 2011

Challenge to Strength

When a challenge comes along, I tend to take it head on!  I don't usually tackle large lions, or alligators...but an occasional challenge is right up my ally!  This little blog comes to be a challenge for me.  For one, I tend to not finish projects I start.  My mother jokes on the fact that I didn't even finish "pregnancy" as my beloved little daughter turned out coming to us via C Section because she was so overdue.  She insinuates that the doctor had to take her from me because I was tired of that project.  I love my mother

At any rate there is probably a little truth to what she says.  Through miscellaneous latch hook kits and various color books I never finished as a child, I can see her point.   But today, I strive to be different.  To learn from my mistakes.  To complete the tasks I start.  To not get complacent and give up when it gets tough or to challenge myself to finish when I really don't feel like it. To keep an interest long enough to say, " I've done that" in my life. There are so many things to try, to see and to do.  I blame part of it on my Gemini nature.  I get bored and move on to the next project.  For some reason though, my perspective has shifted.  It feels good to have comfort in consistency and from the challenge....through the consistency...comes my strength!  And that's POSITIVELY SATISFYING!


  1. You can do it!!! How do you know when you've "done" it? When is a blog finished? Blogs are tricky in that they are just something to beat yourself up about skipping at some point in the future. I hope you do better than I have lately. I haven't had enough nice things to say to warrant a full on blog.

    Keep showering us with your sunshine, Sheri. Miss you.

  2. I'm a Gemini too! I totally "get" you, girlfriend!
