Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogget'y, Blogg, Blogg!!!!

I've been a little AWOL! So, I'm here to depict a few words from my little brain to get back into the groove!  I know for myself, that even the things that I enjoy the most are harder to get back into the routing when it comes to all life's little distractions.....shopping.....work.......yard work......shopping......and well, you get the general idea.  I really just have to be happy I'm sitting here now!  YEAH ME!

 I didn't really have a topic when I opened up the laptop and sat down to type, but it is funny how it comes to you.  My mind is reeling about standards and time lines.  I am one who is plenty guilty for not only establishing such things for myself, but for others as well.  You know what I've discovered? It's EXHAUSTING!  Can often be discouraging.  I say....Life hands us enough disappointment and despair.  It's way easier to "Go With The Flow" and let life unravel than to set a limit or standard to something.

  My blog for example, I put this expectation on myself that it MUST be done every day.....WHY?  It's MY blog for goodness sake!  But, I render a little guilt from the neglect over my new found project.  And you know what?  IT'S O.K!  It's still here, I'm still here, and I've managed to make it back yet again to thrill my followers with my crazy antics (aren't you lucky). 

In conclusion, It's just POSITIVELY O.K!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Words and Music............

Sometimes when I'm driving to work, I'll get a chance to hear one of those songs that you can't help but sing at the top of your lungs without any concern of someone seeing you.  I've done it....the "car seat boogie" right along with the chorus!!!  I'm also guilty of staring at someone else while they do it, which for another purpose besides the entertainment, I find comfort in knowing I'm not the only one out there in her "own little world". 
So, back to my point.  I was flipping through the radio stations on the presets and came across REVOLUTION by The Beatles. 

I not only love them, but that is one of my favorite songs.  It set the mood perfect to start off the work day.  It took me back to when I was back in school and how I could play a good song and it would take me out of a funk or simply elate my feelings even higher.  I remember the ones that simply associated a song with a moment in my life, the ones that would remind me of a certain person, and the ones that I just LOVED to hear.  When lunch time rolled around, I was headed out and stopped at a light and happened to notice the guy next to me enjoying his music as well.  I'm pretty sure he was using his steering wheel as a keyboard and tapping away at the gearshift like a drum. Yet again, proves people have been doing this for years.

  It's a good feeling to hear an old song and remember that moment in your life. It's amazing to have something trigger that feeling that allows you to EXPRESS yourself and get out of the day to day structure, even if it's only or 3 to 4 minutes.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Appreciation to the finer things.....

I grew up learning to appreciate the little or finer things in life.  The little rarities you didn't see or hear about all the time.  The stories read to me on the front porch from a collection of Disney tales of a Rabbit and the Tar Baby.  Getting drug out of bed before daylight to spend the day fishing with my parents, getting a Wizard Of Oz coloring book and being so excited about it, that I colored every page and dreamed of how I had made my own book.  It takes creativity being an only child (and a Gemini) to keep yourself entertained.  I remember getting a large fold out map and taping it to the wall in order for me to play weather girl.  My parents were such troopers to listen to about 50 different weather reports given by a 5 year old.   
All of this came to mind today as I had made it through the first segment of my day of chaos and confusion.  I decided to fall out of the normal lunchtime routine.  I really like taking pictures and have only learned how to take the picture and post it on facebook, but I do find it therapeutic, relaxing.  As I stood by the river looking for my first shot, I thought about my childhood days of walking along the river, picking up rocks with my Mom and hoping that I may find some rare gem and take it for my own treasure.  I can look back and appreciate those times today, more than the moment they actually occurred and I love the warm fuzzy feeling it brings.  It was just the right prescription for mid day.  It helped me regain a new perspective on the thing that can make a sane person crazy and the rest of my day was POSITIVELY AMAZING!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Challenge to Strength

When a challenge comes along, I tend to take it head on!  I don't usually tackle large lions, or alligators...but an occasional challenge is right up my ally!  This little blog comes to be a challenge for me.  For one, I tend to not finish projects I start.  My mother jokes on the fact that I didn't even finish "pregnancy" as my beloved little daughter turned out coming to us via C Section because she was so overdue.  She insinuates that the doctor had to take her from me because I was tired of that project.  I love my mother

At any rate there is probably a little truth to what she says.  Through miscellaneous latch hook kits and various color books I never finished as a child, I can see her point.   But today, I strive to be different.  To learn from my mistakes.  To complete the tasks I start.  To not get complacent and give up when it gets tough or to challenge myself to finish when I really don't feel like it. To keep an interest long enough to say, " I've done that" in my life. There are so many things to try, to see and to do.  I blame part of it on my Gemini nature.  I get bored and move on to the next project.  For some reason though, my perspective has shifted.  It feels good to have comfort in consistency and from the challenge....through the consistency...comes my strength!  And that's POSITIVELY SATISFYING!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here it goes!  I'm what you would call a "virgin blogger".  Inspired by my friend "Freezerburned/Suddenly Susan, I decided to give it a whirl! 

Day to day, I can get up...follow the general routine, and proceed with the day as usual.  The only real variation is if its a work day or not.  Today, being the "off work" day, I had the pleasure of proceeding at my leisure.  Being the "planner" that I am, I mapped out the "must do" list and the "want to do" list.  I'm happy to announce that I got through one of the "want to do" list.  The library!!!  I love the library!  Today's search was for a book on Photography.  I recently started a "photo challenge" which involves little daily assignments, and honestly, I am not in denial at my lack of experience...but as I always say...."I'll try it anyway"! It's one of the best ways to explore yourself and find all the stuff you may be better at than you thought. 

Today, I give you this positive thought to take away.  If you don't think your good at it......try it anyway!