I have always heard that you can make a plan, just don't plan the result! Does anyone else know what that means? To each of us I am sure it can mean completely different things. All I know is to share what my experience is.
I heard someone say that they "wished they could go back to a certain time period in their life, that they would do things differently". The reality is, you CAN'T! I look back on things in my life and gage it against my current situation and I think..."Oh, HELL NO"!!! When I was a little girl, I had seen my future a lot differently than it is today. I sure didn't see myself with a disability, I was SUPERHUMAN then! Yet, even against that factor, I would never relive the past even if a magic genie offered it to me. I like my life today, just because it's not perfect or what I dreamed...it's MINE! I wish everyone I know felt the same. We are such treasures to those who love us as much as those who we love are to us. Depression is very real and it seems to be in the forefront lately. You realize it most when it starts affecting the people you love. In one aspect, there is nothing we can do, in hindsight there is A LOT we can do.
My point is...we are all facing our own personal battles today. Not one of us is any better or worse off than the next one. The difference is CHOICE. I know for myself, I can choose whether I want to take the high road or not. I choose whether or not I want to overcome, or give up. Either way, they are real feelings. I have been blessed with a positive outlook on life, and a FABULOUS support team. I went through a serious bout with negativity and there were people who were there to listen to my rage and anger. There were perfect strangers that would tell a joke, or be kind to me out of the blue and it was just enough to distract me from the pain I was "growing" through. No, I'm not that bad of a speller...I meant "grow". I believe it is through these trials and struggles that we grow. Once we fight through it and get to the other side, we become ONE HELL OF A HUMAN BEING!!!
Don't give up on people you love, even if they are total jerks. Open your eyes when you are out and about today and offer a smile to someone who looks unhappy. We can't change what choices people make, but we can change situations in the lives of others around us, ONE PERSON AT A TIME!