Thursday, February 12, 2015

What to do when you reach a fork in the road...


There is only so much a person can take right? How do we survive when whatever we are faced with seems to much to handle? How do you feel "okay" on the inside when all you want to do is scream, feel sorry for yourself, and cry? Well, I can't say that how I handle things is for everyone...all I can attest to is the fact that it works for me

Happiness is an inside job. This is a true statement. I talk about "choosing" to be happy each day, appreciating what you have at this moment, and doing my part. The simple truth is that I am human. I fail miserably at KEEPING IT TOGETHER sometimes. These are times that I let people who want to love me, Love Me! I have been single most of my life and raised a beautiful successful daughter with help from friends and family, I know when it is time to let others help. This is how I recharge so I can return the favor and share my smile, my positivity, and my words with those who need it.

I don't believe my situation is any worse or less important than anyone else's. Let's be honest, even on the worst day you can remember in your life...can you NOT think of someone else's situation that would be or feel worse??? I ALWAYS CAN! Think about what being responsible for yourself means. It means having the freedom to make your own choices and be willing to face the consequences. It means feeling mad, sad, or scared about your current situation and getting past it to focus on what you CAN do...not what you CAN'T! This last suggestion I offer, help someone else! the midst of your pity party or frustration and sadness, do something nice for someone else. It is amazing how random acts of kindness can go more viral as someone's YouTube video.

Each morning, chose to make your day easier. Try to be positive in a negative situation and be a blessing to someone else today. Even just holding the door open for someone can make changes in directions you may never witness...just know they happen.