I've been a little AWOL! So, I'm here to depict a few words from my little brain to get back into the groove! I know for myself, that even the things that I enjoy the most are harder to get back into the routing when it comes to all life's little distractions.....shopping.....work.......yard work......shopping......and well, you get the general idea. I really just have to be happy I'm sitting here now! YEAH ME!
I didn't really have a topic when I opened up the laptop and sat down to type, but it is funny how it comes to you. My mind is reeling about standards and time lines. I am one who is plenty guilty for not only establishing such things for myself, but for others as well. You know what I've discovered? It's EXHAUSTING! Can often be discouraging. I say....Life hands us enough disappointment and despair. It's way easier to "Go With The Flow" and let life unravel than to set a limit or standard to something.
My blog for example, I put this expectation on myself that it MUST be done every day.....WHY? It's MY blog for goodness sake! But, I render a little guilt from the neglect over my new found project. And you know what? IT'S O.K! It's still here, I'm still here, and I've managed to make it back yet again to thrill my followers with my crazy antics (aren't you lucky).
In conclusion, It's just POSITIVELY O.K!